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IRIS Financials Ideas Portal (Commercial & Charity)

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Showing 24

Report that shows commitments, supplier and PO within accounting Suite

Customer (EMM01) mentioned that they were looking for a way to see current commitments in accounting enquiries, as per a previous option within V6. This no longer seems to be available to them in V7.
Guest 7 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 1 Planned

Is it possible to have a document log in accounting

We currently have the ability to see who the last person to open and read the document is, but could we maybe see a log of who created it as well.
Guest about 1 year ago in IRIS Financials 2 Planned

Identify Service on Order so that no GRN is required

When orders are created it would be useful to have a service option, which would indicate that a GRN is not required. For example professional services, exam fees, recurring invoices for leases etc. This would reduce the time taken to process invo...
Guest almost 2 years ago in PS Purchasing 5 Planned

User licenses report

Is it possible to get a report of users by useage of the portal, I am constantly short of Licenses, and need to see user useage. To make sure the more active users keep their license, and also to see if I still need so many licenses
Guest over 1 year ago in PS Purchasing 1 Planned

Identify who has reconciled a transaction

A feature of being able to identify who has performed a reconciliation on the bank would be useful. Similarly, would be useful to see who has performed an allocation at the account level.
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Financials 1 Planned

Amend Title of Goods Received Note to Goods/Services Received

Orders are raised for Services as well as Goods and to help the schools understanding the GRN process it would be helpful to amend the Title of the GRN Document to be Goods/Services Received.
Guest about 1 year ago in PS Purchasing 1 Planned


Please can you add a facility to repoll documents for authorisation (Non order invoices and purchase orders) by user rather than having to do it for each individual document.
Guest over 1 year ago in PS Purchasing 6 Planned

Supplier bank details

It would be beneficial to be able to see / print Supplier bank details during the payment run process before approval. This would allow the details to be cross checked as another level of security and without having to go into every account separa...
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Financials 1 Planned

Allow users to reset their own password

Allow active PS Online users to request a password reset to the email address that has been set up in the user ledger. As an administrator I am frequently asked to reset a password because they have forgotten. If they could request a reset to thei...
Guest 10 months ago in PS Purchasing 1 Planned

Purchase ledger default to all periods

Why does the purchase ledger not default to all periods, when you do a search. Could this be set as the default search.
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Financials 3 Planned