In PSF v6 and earlier, it was possible to create custom columns when running enquiries (e.g. account enquiries). This was useful if you wanted to do calculations on data in PSF without having to export the information to a spreadsheet first. It also meant that the calculation could be saved as part of a favourite enquiry and quickly rerun with different criteria e.g. a new period or nominal.
I found this functionality useful for adding columns such as % of budget spent to the enquiry, or adding a column which squared the value, making it easier to sort lists of data to spot duplicate or matching transactions.
This functionality has been removed in v7. I would like to propose that it is reinstated.
The two I mention above would be the ones I use most:
% of budget spent (Value/Budget*100) - a quick way of spotting any anomalies in the TB
Value squared - really useful in a detail enquiry for trying to match and allocate balancing transactions as it strips out the +/- element and allows the column to be sorted so matching values are together - much easier than scrolling lists of entries, even when the value is sorted low-high or high-low. Exporting to excel and adding a column doesn't work as well if trying to allocate balancing tx as you still then have to find the two transactions on PSF.
Thank you
Thank you for your comment, Anastasia.
The custom columns in V6 were creating issues with performance, which is why the decision was taken to remove them in V7. We can, however, add in additional standard columns. If you could let us know all the extra columns you'd like to see included, we'll add them to our list of potential additions.