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IRIS Financials Ideas Portal (Commercial & Charity)

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Showing 102 of 102

Be able to upload reversing journals (which reverse in the following month)

I post a lengthy month end journal each month which I reverse in the following month. I would like to do this as a csv file upload each month. When using the Journal Importer, as part of Step 3 'Define the mapping between target and data source' i...
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Financials 1 In Development

A cashflow report that works across financial years

I would love a cashflow report that finally works across financial years! A one month cashflow forecast isn't the most useful
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Financials 1 Development Complete

Warning when Contracts coming up for renewal

The customer mentioned that it would be a good idea to have a warning come up to let them know that a Contract is coming up for renewal (say 30 days) so that they can start looking at Contracts with better value where possible. They would also pre...
Guest 9 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 0 Awaiting Further Feedback

PORD imports

Customer would like to be able to import PORDs in the same way that you can in accounting with SIs and GJs. Use a .CSV file to import all your lines for your PORD into purchasing.
Guest 5 months ago in PS Purchasing 1 Already exists

To have the ability to log people out from Active Session screen

Often customers forget to log out correctly and rather than have to go to Self Service it would be good to have an option to close sessions down from the Active Sessions Screen
Guest about 1 year ago in IRIS Financials 0 Under Investigation

At REQ Stage to carry forward attachments to PORD stage

At present when creating a purchase REQ the attachments that someone adds are not automatically carried forward onto a PO when creating this. This causes additional workloads to ensure you have downloaded the REQ attachments and then to upload to ...
Guest 10 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 0 In Development

Default nominal code on supplier accounts

In other systems I have used you are able to set a default nominal code for each supplier to save time having to type in the nominal code every time. For instance EDF is our electricity supplier so it would be good if when ever we entered an invoi...
Guest 5 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 1 Under Investigation

Allow users to reset their own password

Allow active PS Online users to request a password reset to the email address that has been set up in the user ledger. As an administrator I am frequently asked to reset a password because they have forgotten. If they could request a reset to thei...
Guest 10 months ago in PS Purchasing 1 Planned

Staff Expenses

Allow the posting of staff expenses to the register in the same way we do for non order invoices. We can then see an audit trail of the authoriser and ensure it's authorised by the correct person.
Guest almost 2 years ago in PS Purchasing 0 Awaiting Prioritization

Purchase ledger default to all periods

Why does the purchase ledger not default to all periods, when you do a search. Could this be set as the default search.
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Financials 3 Planned