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IRIS Financials Ideas Portal (Commercial & Charity)

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Reports - freeze header row titles on screen

Reports on the screen need to have the header row frozen on all reports. Management accounts by cost centre does not have the header row frozen and other reports do not have this either.
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Financials 1 Under Investigation

Could there be further details on the PORD, such as supplier name / description, when you click on the commitments from the Account Summary report.

No description provided
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Financials 1 Planned

PSF Report Column

Purchase Orders Awaiting GRN by Req Creator Report - Can an extra column be added to this report showing the amount remaining/awaiting to be GRN'd on the order?
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Financials 0 Planned

Advanced Bank Reconciliation - Add additional fields to the Column selection eg. Period.

Users are having to open up a document enquiry screen at the same time as using the Advanced Bank Reconciliation so they can check the period an item was posted in. It would be great if we could add to the list of available fields within the colum...
Guest 12 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 0 Awaiting Prioritization

Bring back custom columns!

In PSF v6 and earlier, it was possible to create custom columns when running enquiries (e.g. account enquiries). This was useful if you wanted to do calculations on data in PSF without having to export the information to a spreadsheet first. It al...
Guest about 1 year ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 2 Under Investigation

Quicker posting of bank receipts on reconciliation screen

When reconciling the bank in IRIS Financials, it would be great if IRIS was clever enough to detect incoming amounts and automatically suggest a match to an open invoice on the sales ledger. You could then just confirm this and it would automatica...
Guest about 1 year ago in IRIS Financials 1 Awaiting Prioritization

Chat box - either on Portal or Accounting

not sure if this request has any mileage, but is it possible to add the chat box facility on either the portal or accounting, which connects to the administrator, or the location help desk with in IRIS. Not sure if this is an IRIS system issue or ...
Guest about 1 year ago in IRIS Financials 1 Will not implement

Read receipt documents from emailers

My customer (SHA03) asked that there could be an option to receive a read receipt from the document emailers (document, remittance and statement) so that they know that the recipient has received and read the document sent to them
Guest about 1 year ago in IRIS Financials 2 Under Investigation

Password Requirements

Could the password requirements set in Administrator show to Users when they are changing their password?
Guest about 1 year ago in IRIS Financials 1 Under Investigation

Document enquiry location criteria

It would be really useful for those of us with multiple locations to be able to have a location criteria in the search functions in document enquiry so that when searching POINs it is easier to search just one location in the 200 documents rather ...
Guest about 1 year ago in IRIS Financials 2 Under Investigation